Category Archives: News

Publicaciones sobre novedades

– Presencia de Mariló Domínguez en las siguientes ferias internacionales

Mariló Domínguez, estará presente en las próximas ferias internacionales. NEW YORK Women de ENK Shows, 8-10 enero   Who’s next Paris, 20-23 Enero   CPM Moscú, 20-23 Febrero

– El poder de la belleza

La marquesa de Santa Cruz pintada por Goya, con los zapatos más bonitos del Prado, inspira nuestra colección para este otoño invierno. Nuestro zapato y bolso español, arropado por la auténtica danza española y nuestra incomparable zarzuela, siguen siendo fieles a los códigos de elegancia y modernidad, pero reivindicando una mujer especial y cosmopolita, con […]

“No one gets to know someone truly, without first having walked a mile in their shoes”, cite anonymous

The most fascinating of the footwear is the emotional component that contains, fully defines the woman. While the clothes choose it according to physical characteristics, in the case of shoes are more free… they reveal a lot about the person, degree of boldness, imagination, sense of humor… At Mariló Domínguez you will find an ideal […]

The Spanish footwear, un example of success within the Spain brand

If there is something in Spain, apart from our Iberian ham, of which we can be proud and claim to truth, is our Spanish shoe. Increasingly, most of the national and international firms, are manufactured in Spain, and it has a reason why. The great tradition of shoe manufacturing, excellent quality of leathers and materials, […]